Marketing Concept of TARGET- a visual journey to understand the concept

The latest TVC of MP Tourism inspired to see the critical concept of Target in a new light. It is surprising to see that targetting an advt for X group may attract Y group. Here is a classic example of MP Tourism. 
 7 Amazing TVC to see from India's Tourism departments of various states. 

When you watch these videos, ask questions- What is the target audience here, Whether communication provided here is good for that target audience, What kind of modification can you do to the communication?
1. MP Tourism:
 This is truly amazing!! 
Post Incredible India's advt, this is surely raising the standards of TVC of tourism which is managed by Govt. Truely, awesome!

But a question here: Is this TVC targetting Indians? If yes, then why are they showing foreigners as the target in TVC?
If no, that means the target is Foreigners- whether they will be in a position to understand the hindi language, dialect etc as the entire TVC makes sense with the awesome lyrics only!

Any comments!!

Also, let us relive the various TVCs of various tourism here!!

2.This one truly is a well targeted advt: The latest from Incredible India Series

3. This one is from MEDC is also really well targeted.

4.  How can we miss Gujarat Tourism- an awesome personality motivating us to visit Gujarat. The depth of understanding the culture makes this a truly worth experiencing!

5. Can you miss this a true Paradise on Earth: The visual alongwith music is really an awesome. A superb mix of natural beauty with latest advances for leisure offered by Kashmir is projected. Music is awesome:

6. This one is by Golden Chariot : The costliest rail travel. Good projection of services and it surprises as well. Though, is it targeting Indians?

7. This one is from Chhattisgarh Tourism- not the contemporary type less than 30-40 sec commercial but informative one. It is bliss to see various sides of the secrets of treasure
