Basics of GD

What is a Group Discussion? Where is it used? 

A GD (Group Discussion) is a forum where people sit together, discuss a topic for a certain amount of time with the common objective of finding a solution for a problem or discussing an issue that is given to them. 
Why are Group Discussions used as a part of the selection process? How are they useful? 
Group Discussions measure certain attributes of the candidates that are otherwise difficult to identify and time consuming to assess. A number of people who can communicate their ideas well and discuss effectively with others in a one-to-one situation become tongue-tied in a group situation. They will just not be able to present their ideas or discuss their ideas with the other members of the group. A Group Discussion will identify people who have such group communication skills and people who do not possess such group communication skills. 

What are the similarities / differences between Group Discussions and Public Speaking / Debating? 
Debating and Public Speaking are one-to-many communication situations whereas a Group Discussion is a many-to-many situation. A debate, an elocution or a public speaking contest are solo performances whereas a Group Discussion is NOT. In a debate, it is your individual views that matter. In a Group Discussion, apart from your individual views, he views of the entire group matter. 
In Public Speaking / Debating, the speaker can take a particular position on the topic and speak accordingly. In a Group Discussion, all the members of the group will participate and one has to listen to the views of the other members of the group. It is a discussion and the speaker will be "interrupted" by the other members of the group while speaking. 

How is a Group Discussion conducted? 
A group of candidates are made to sit together in a circular / semi-circular fashion or in a U-shape. There will be a person to co-ordinate the Group Discussion (called the moderator).